Ava is four months old! She's been with us for an entire season now; all of summer and now going into fall. It was so fun having a summer baby, just perfect for us. There were so many firsts at the beach and the pool, walks to the bay and warm evenings at farmers' market. Now I'm loving cuddling up with her in the rocker with the pumpkin scented candle flickering on the coffee table and lullabys on the iPod. This morning I got to watch her discover rain for the first time with the all the wonder such little eyes could hold.
My friends who have kids often tell me that each stage is the best and I've found this to be nothing but true so far. While I get sad that she no longer a newborn... nor a one month old, nor a two month old... nor a three month old... I love watching her discover new things, learn new skills, and slowly become less and less dependent on us; yes, even at four months. Each month that goes by brings the need of putting away more tiny clothes, shoes, socks and pj's that no longer fit and bringing out the next sizes up. And packing the toys and baby gear she has outgrown and exchanging it for bigger better gear with more lights, more sounds, and more... jumping capabilities. I find myself using the word bittersweet often to describe all the changes and transitions that go along with parenting.
It's also true that just when you think you've got something figured out, like the perfect nap time routine, her likes or dislikes, or the elusive "sleeping through the night;" they go changing things up on you. Right now she's sleeping soundly in the swing she used to love, then spent the last week crying hysterically if you so much walked past it with her in your arms, much less trying to lower her into it. The only that is constant is change. It's humbling but I have a feeling it won't stop me from trying to get it all figured out.
Ava had her 4 month appointment on Wednesday where we learned that she is 15 pounds, 5 ounces and 24 inches long. Our big girl is in the 90th for weight and the 60% percentile for height.
At her appointment the doctor started rattling off things she will be doing by the time he sees her again at six months. When he got to rolling over both sides we told him that she already does this. He kind of dismissed us and went on with his list. When it came time for him to check her ears she wasn't having any of it and put three rolls together to get away from him. He looked at her and said, "Well now your just showing off."
Poor thing had a very rough time with the immunizations this time around. She had a low grade fever for a couple of days and was first very sleepy and lathargic and then incredibly fussy; refusing to sleep the entire day. It's been almost a week now and every day I get more of my sweet, content baby back. Phew!
Ava, at four months you are...
- Still wearing 3 month and 3-6 month clothing and size 2 diapers
- Taking to a "lovey" or a certain toy are attached to. Her name is Mabel. Daddy named her and you get the biggest smile on your face whenever you see her.
- Sitting in the BOB stroller without your infant car seat... which means mom & dad can finally use the expensive jogging stroller to well, jog.
- Adding sleeping skills to your repertoire. We've officially started sleep training in this house. A rough week to try with the shots and all, but you're doing okay with it. We started with naps and you're going down easier, now we just need to get them to last longer than half and hour at a time.
- Sleeping in your crib! We've officially transistioned you from your Pack 'n Play in our room to your crib in your room. We miss having you right next to us at night but we seem to all be getting more sleep and we cheat and bring you into the bed after your 4am feeding most of the time anyway. We love that cuddle time with you baby girl.
- Showing interest in food. We're going to wait to give you cereal or solids until six months (we think, we've learned not to get too adamant about much when it comes to you babies) but boy you are getting interested in eating. You watch our food go from our plates to our mouths and try to grab it off our plates any chance you get.
- Babbling up a storm. You take your paci out of your mouth to babble for a bit and then put it back in when you've said your piece. It's the cutest thing. You watch us intently when we talk, really focusing on our lips. When your dad and I are on opposite sides of the room you turn your head back and forth to watch us each talk like you're watching a tennis match. You even stop nursing to look up at me when I'm talking. When I stop, so that you'll go back to eating, you just keep looking at me like, You were speaking mother... You can copy the tone, inflection and syllables of what we say. I can't wait to hear your little voice say real words!
- Finding your feet! Here you are doing the "happy baby" yoga pose. Grandma & Grandpa Power are so proud ; )