Friday, June 17, 2011

Funny Quotes During Labor & Delivery

Yes...but it's in the car.
(My answer to the nurse when she asked if I had a written birth plan. It had all happened so fast all of our stuff was in the car.)

Wait, that wasn't a good push, I'm going to do that one over again.
(Yes, I was a perfectionist, even during labor.)

Pushing sucks.
(It did.)

I can't believe all the nurses and doctor just up and left. I feel like this baby could come out at any second and no one's here!
(They put a cold wash cloth on my forehead to cool me off and it kept slipping over my eyes. Mark was quick to correct me, letting me know that there were multiple nurses in the room and a doctor. I just couldn't see them because of the washcloth over my eyes. Oops.)

Ew. I don't want to.
(When Ava's head was crowning the midwife softly whispered, "Kelly, Kelly, reach down and feel her head." This was my answer. I opted to wait until she was cleaned up a bit ; )

You're a good distraction.
(To Ava as I was getting stitched up after delivery)

Wait, how did I get in this bed?
(I was like a person who got drunk the night night before wondering how I got home. I knew I hadn't delivered in the bed I was in, but also couldn't for the life of me remember how I got in that new one. Mark told me that they put me in a wheelchair moved me from L & D to the recovery room/bed.)

And this is all WITHOUT being on medication, I'd hate to see what I would have been like with it.

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