Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Recent Highlights

1. I look pregnant. And please don't tell me I didn't. I get irritated when people say, "I thought you said you popped?! You can hardly even tell you're pregnant." Because this is not normal.

2. I feel GREAT. Like pre-pregnancy great. I have energy, can eat more than Asiago cheese bagels from Panera, and don't even want to bite the head's off innocent strangers and husbands for no apparent reason at all. Praise the baby Jesus! I started getting a little panicky there when I was waiting for that second trimester energy boost to kick in and instead week 12 and 13 were some of my most lethargic and I started puking for the first time. Ya, that's a story. It involves loosing it on the very popular 2nd Street in Long Beach THREE times, not one of which I managed to make it to one of the trash cans they have on every block. Ooops. It was 10am on a Saturday morning after taking down an original-sized Jamba Juice. That's when you wish they made t-shirts that said, "I'm not still drunk from the night before, I'm pregnant.

3. We have our anatomy and gender ultrasound appointment scheduled. We'll know our fate on Dec. 20th. We're not one of those couples that say we don't care what gender the baby is. We both really want a girl and aren't very good at hiding it if one is supposed to. Maybe it's because Mark's family is all boys and it's time for a girl Russell, or maybe it's because Makayla was (is) a girl, and she's the closest thing we've been to being a family of three, or because my idea of a boy is my brother; rowdy and a bit of a hooligan at times. Although I will say, I'm becoming more and more team "as long as the baby's healthy" the closer we get to knowing, which is a relief, because I really, really didn't want to cry in front of the ultrasound tech.

...still praying for pink.

4. I can feel the baby move. I can only feel it from the inside, not with my hand's on my tummy yet, and only tiny little movements, but it's still an incredible feeling. I love the reminder that this is all really happening, that something really is growing and living inside of me.


  1. You look pregnant girl! Wear it loud and proud. And when people offer you help loading groceries, take it. When people stand up and offer you a seat, take it! Because for some reason, people will cow tow to a glowing pregnant woman, but a woman with a crying baby....not so much! ;) I hope you get a girl!!! But boys aren't that get to be queen bee!


  2. girls rock! :) (and Justin and I felt the same way, btw--and now we're thrilled to have a healthy baby girl) ;)

  3. oh my gosh I love your blog... I can't even tell you how stoked I am I get to hear all of this and get to "be a part of it" you are the cutest thing EVER and I am so so so excited!

  4. Yay for moving babies! So amazing, huh? I hated when people told me I didn't look pregnant (which seriously went on until like 7 months. So flattering that they thought I'd always carried around a spare tire around my waist. Thanks for the update, your bump is so perfect! Can't wait to meet it.
