Thursday, June 30, 2011

Loved: Ava's Visitors

Ava, you are so loved. These are the special people who visited you during the first few days and weeks of your little life...

In the hospital your Grandpa & Grandpa Power, Uncle John & Aunt Janelle, & Becky came to visit you:


Shortly after we got home from the hospital Stephanie & Richard paid you a visit. Your parents failed to take a photo of you with them, but don't worry, you'll see a lot of them!

Great Grandma & Grandpa Power came to visit you four days after you were born. They were so determined to see you that even getting in a fender bender on the 405 freeway on their way didn't deter them! They brought you pink miniature roses and us a beautiful orchid and Grandma's famous chocolate chip cookies. YUM! Great Grandma Ginger cried when she held you. It was sure sweet. 

Danielle came all the way up from San Diego for one night just to see you. Becky came over too and we all just sat and stared at you and caught up with each other. It's amazing how much this group of girlfriends from high school have to celebrate this summer/fall between two weddings, a baby and a grad school graduation! A lot's happened in the over 10 years of being friends. You'll surely see and know these women as you grow up.

Your Grandma & Grandpa Russell and Uncle Dane came out from Denver to meet you when you were just a week old. Oh how they love you! Your Grandpa Russell was a natural and couldn't get enough of you. He offered to burp you every time you were done eating just he could hold you sooner and pushed the stroller when we went for walks on Second St. They're coming to see you again in just a week and we'll get some good time with them in when we go to Montana later this summer as well. Even though they live in another state, they love you very much and are so excited that you're finally here!

You even got in on some Russell brotherly love. I think you were the placeholder for Uncle Jim in this photo. You still need to meet him. He's great and will surely make you laugh. You'll meet him when we go to Montana later this summer.

Shauna, my good friend from work came over and cooked us some awesome enchiladas. She got some good cuddle time in with you while I got caught up on everything that was going on at Mariners. It made me miss it and my co-workers but excited to get back in a few months after you, your dad and I get some good time in as a family.

The next evening Anita came over and brought some great coconut chicken curry for dinner. What a unique treat! We call her the "baby whisperer" now. You loved her and her baby massage magic.

Chris & Nella, fellow residents with dad, came to see you and brought a beautiful bouquet of flowers and baby Vans for you. You're going to look so cute in them!

Daddy's friend from med school and residency, Sean, came to see you too. He held you for a long time as they talked doctor stuff. You'll have to meet his beautiful and sweet wife, Lisa, when she's feeling better.

Low & Kristine came to visit you late on a Friday afternoon. Low works at Mariners as well and Kristine and I met on our mission trip to Haiti. We hit it off instantly. She's now my hairstylist and good friend. Their own baby is due in October! You two will have to be friends, he or she is guaranteed to be a good one. 

Michele & Bobby came all the way from Denver to meet you for the first time and spent the day with us. How fun catching up on how married life is for them and parenthood is for us. We'd been through a lot together and it's fun to reflect on how God's provided for us over the last couple of years.

The next day Emily, Brian & Autumn, more friends from Denver came to see you! Yay Denver friends! Autumn had grown up so much since we saw her at only two weeks old. It's hard to believe you'll be that big in only 5 months now. It was great to catch up with them and ask them questions about how to do this whole baby raising thing.

Dre came to see you and brought a great salmon dinner, yum! I got all caught up on what was going on at work and am so thankful that she's holding down the fort while I'm gone. She's the best!

We went to Ventura last weekend and more good friends came to meet you for the first time while we were there.
Katie came down from Santa Barbara.
I used to babysit "Baby Allyson" so seeing her holding you was quite surreal!
Uncle John & Janelle came to visit again just this week, they love you so.

1 comment:

  1. I love this last photo;)
    PS. I so wish I lived closer and could have already met her...soon. soon!
