I feel like Max in the show Parenthood. You know, the eight year old kid with Asperger's Syndrome who flips out and looses it whenever plans get tweaked in the slightest. Our only plans for the entire weekend were going to our friends' place to watch the Bronco's game. Ava's been super needy all day today, only taking naps if I'm holding her and switching from crying to whining and back if she's not being held. My only outing of the day was a thirty minute jog. I made an appetizer for this evening and then showered and got ready with her crying the entire time because they don't make waterproof Ergo's that can go in the shower.
We were supposed to be there two and a half hours ago and Mark's still at work. I finally gave up on going, realizing it wasn't going to happen, that the shower and done up hair and makeup; which are treasured occurences these days will go to waste, and decided to give Ava some Benedryl as she clearly wasn't feeling great. We've been dealing with some pretty serious eczema lately which is a whole other story. She proceeded to SPIT IT OUT ON ME. My face, my hair, my shirt, my jeans, all of them now have little pink sticky spots of cherry-flavored children's Benadryl on them. First I just froze. Sat there thinking really? REALLY? Then I picked her up and walked her straight to her crib, gave her a pacifier and blanket, turned the white sound on and walked out. I'd had it. She's now, wait for it... crying in her crib. Don't worry, I'll go get her in a second. I just need a second of my own or I'm going to loose it.
Whenever my mom says something completely ridiculous my dad just looks at her, smiles, and says; "It's a good thing you're so cute." I love it and I think the same thing about Ava on days like today when she's being a turkey.
Did I mention the Bronco's are getting whooped? Whooped, whooped. Score is 42 to 7 and getting uglier and uglier by the minute...
...and silence. Ahhhh, sometimes taking a moment pays off.
You are such an awesome mommy! THAT is exactly what you both needed, just a minute. As much as we do, babies need time to themselves as well. You are doing great at everything, just know it all gets easier but in a different way. :)