Saturday, February 4, 2012

8 Month Stats

Ava, at 8 months you...
  • Are 25.8 inches long
  • Weigh 18.4 pounds
  • Are in 6-9 month clothing
  • Still wear size 3 diapers
  • Are perfecting your wave. It's so cute and calculated. You concentrate on your hand so hard before you actually get a wave out.
  • Are obsessed with us clapping, but are still learning to clap on your own. Whenever you hear clapping you think it's for you. You look around all excited like, "What'd I do? What'd I do?"
  • Pop up to stand on anything like it ain't no thang. You're extremely agile on your feet now and fall a lot less often. You're very calculated in your moves and lower yourself to the floor when you're done standing instead of "timbering" down.
  • Are starting to get restless in your stroller. You're only good for about 1 1/2 miles in it now. That's problematic because all of our usual running and walking routes are three miles long.
  •  LOVE Story Time at the library. Oh my goodness you love it. You have an animated smile across your face the entire time you're there. Our friends and strangers alike think it's hilarious how stoked you are on Story Time. We go there every week with Neighbor Kayla, Samuel & Baby Lukey.
  • Allergic to wheat and dairy. You poor thing have been battling some pretty severe eczema. After two frustrating, confusing, and trying months I think we've finally cracked the code. 
No wheat 
no dairy 
(lots & lots of) Aquaphor
No Eczema

           For you eczema is not just a case of really dry skin, it's a true allergic reaction. Your poor face    and eyelids swell up, your eyes weep and you become very lethargic. One day last week you woke up looking like this.
          And it broke my heart. 

         You being wheat and dairy free means I have to be wheat and dairy free as well since you're still nursing. It's a sacrifice but worth keeping you looking and feeling good. I've been wheat free for about a month and a half so I've got that down better now but this no dairy stuff is new to me. Yesterday I had creamer in my morning and afternoon coffee and forgot to order my caesar salad without parmesan cheese. You're paying for it today. Sorry Baby Girl. I'll get better at this. Promise. We're hoping and praying you grow out of your eczema and food allergies as you grow up. Please, Lord?
  • Have been sick a few times now. You've had two colds, RSV (a nasty, nasty respiratory virus) & Croup. Whew! It never gets easier seeing your baby suffering. Here's to good health in 2012.
  • Have your first tooth! It's one of the bottom front ones and it's tiny and so cute. Please don't bite me when I'm feeding you, k?
  • Met your Great Aunt Michelle! And she crocheted this darling sweater for you. So collegiate.
  • Are cruising...
...for a bruising.


  1. She's unbelievably cute and cool! Sorry about that allergy stuff, though. Justin said, "What would we feed her?!?!" Ella lives on cheese and bread, and so do I. :(

  2. oh no with the allergies! That stinks. No gelato time for us. Hope it gets better with time. And love that she loves story time, ha.
