Wednesday, May 2, 2012

11 Month Update

Ava is 11 months old! We keep marveling at the fact that her first year of life is closing in on us. Late last night I was going through and deleting some photos and videos on my phone since it keeps crashing every time I open it (tends to happen when you have over 2,000 pics stored). Of course I got sucked into looking through and watching many of them. After seeing how incredibly different she looks and acts; and how big and coordinated she is now in comparison to those early days, weeks and months, it does seem like a year. A quick and very full year.

Ava at 11 months you...
  • Are the belle of the... grocery store, play date, park, library, restaurant, pharmacy... pretty much everywhere you go. You're a total ham and make it your personal mission to brighten people's day. You stare people down and stalk them by waving and excitedly flapping your arms until you get their attention. And then you bask in it. Wherever we go people comment on what a happy baby you are.
  • Have a couple of new funny faces in your repertoire. You do this super cute "fishy face." You suck your cheeks in and bug your eyes. It's hilarious. Your swimming instructor especially likes and requests it. You love to deliver. I wish I had photos of it but I haven't been able to capture it just yet. Your other one is "surprised face."
  • Are starting to imitate us. You do this delayed laugh after you hear us laughing. It has about a four second delay. The other day I was looking online at real estate in the Ventura area, my new past time, and getting frustrated. You were eating your breakfast and I heard this exasperated sigh come out of you. Surprised, I looked over to see what is wrong and realize you were just imitating me. I hadn't even realized I'd let out a sigh. It's interesting having a little mirror put up to you like that. And I have a feeling this is just the beginning...
  • And I did our first 5K together. You were my little coach, crying when I wasn't going fast enough. You're my little running partner. I think we're ready for a 10K next time.

  • Put your hands on your head for the song, "Head, shoulder, knees and toes," and look at me with anticipation like, Okay mom, sing that song you sing. It took me forever to figure our what you were doing.
  • Do the cutest things! Like the other day your dad was sleeping off an overnight and you went over to him and opened his eyes with your fingers. That's one way to wake him up!
  • Walk with your push toy
  • Blow kisses! Kinda. It's so cute. You slap your hand over your mouth and then throw your arm out towards us. It's all very graceful...
  • Got a new (hot) bathing suit. Pink zebra tankini. What? So cute. 
You're a little excited about it.
  •  Speaking of new bathing suits, you're becoming quite the little beach babe. Just in time for summer!
  • Say Mama, Dada, Ni-ni (night, night; when you are asking to be put to bed), bye bye. You even put a few words together bye dada and my mama. Melted me.
  • Love dropping things off your high chair and changing table and out of your stroller. Food, sippy cups, toys, books... anything. It's Annoying. 
  • Pooped in the tub! And then clapped. Gross.
  • Are getting really into daddy aka A da as you call him. When I go into your room to get you in the morning or after a nap you get all excited to see me and then look past me like, Might there be a da coming behind you? This is the face I wake up to every morning. Love.
Mommy's little alarm clock
You also request dad to go up the stairs behind you (another new favorite hobby you could do all day long), even if I'm right there. You love, love, love it when daddy goes to swimming lessons with us. You look for me every time your head comes back up out of the water, but when you see him sitting there too you look like you could explode with excitement right then and there.
You & the pops
  • Have been healthy and eczema free for about a month now! Oh Hallejuhah! What a blessing health is and how we appreciate it now. Parenting and being a baby is hard enough without all that sickness to muddle through. We still aren't sure what causes your eczema to flare up but we've seemed to found the trifecta that works for you: 
    • 1. Diet: you only get fruits, veggies, meat (nothing out of a box or package, no wheat, no dairy)
    • 2. Skin regimen: Olive oil baths for ten minutes every other day in lukewarm water with no soap. We pat you dry and lube you up with copious amount of CeraVe cream.
    • 3. Prescription medicine: Protopic ointment for flare ups (which we haven't had to use in about two weeks. Yee-haw, because it's a pretty strong medication with a black box warning on it).
Blurry pic, but your skin is heavenly these days.
We're really looking forward to celebrating your first birthday at the end of the month, Baby Girl! It's been an incredible (almost) year with you and we're looking forward to many, many more!

Mama loves you.

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