Friday, April 29, 2011

9 months

This was taken last weekend, with one month left to go. Now it's down to only 3 weeks! At 36 1/2 weeks I was told she was  measuring 38 1/2 weeks, two weeks ahead. This could mean a couple of things. Either the measurement was off, it's not an exact science by any means. Or she'll be here early. Or she's HUGE! As much as we'd love to meet our Little Lady a bit earlier than her due date, she can't come until after May 7th. That's when I'm hosting one of my best friend's bridal shower at our place. She's more than welcome anytime after that!

I was at Rite Aid last weekend and this older gentleman, and with this story I use that term very loosely, asked me when I was due. I said the 20th of next month, he looks me up and down and with shock in his eyes asks, "Twins?" I politely replied, "Nope, just one." Instead of just letting it go, he busts out with, "Just one 12 pound baby huh?" Nice. Thanks for that. I'd love to leave out the part about what I was there to buy; mint chip ice cream and nail polish remover, but can't. It's funny how you can get seven sweet compliments about how good you look  during the day, and still go to sleep thinking about the one from the clueless old dude at Rite Aid. Ugh.

On another note, Mark is nesting way more than I am. I already wrote about our steam-cleaned carpets, which look incredible by the way. Then, when I hopped in the shower this morning I was just about blinded by how sparkling clean it was. Gorgeous really. I honestly didn't know it had the potential to look that good. God, I love him. And a clean house.

A friend is doing a maternity shoot for us this weekend, that should be fun. I'll be sure to post the ones where I don't look like a whale... who ate a smaller, but still good sized-whale. Lord, please let there be some.


  1. You're gorgeous. I was only 8 mo. pregnant (Ella always measured 2 weeks ahead of her due date, and then she was), and older ladies at church thought I was due... maybe it's a generational thing. :)

  2. Oh my wrote things so well that I had a good laugh. You are teaching me to hold my composure....and I'm not pregnant.
