Tuesday, August 2, 2011

2 Month Stats

Ava is 2 months old! We took her to her 2 month doctor appointment yesterday and she weighs 13 lbs and is 24 inches long. Unsurprisingly she's in the 90th percentile for both height and weight. Her birth weight and height was 8 lbs., 11 oz. and 21 inches so she's been a busy girl putting on more than 4 pounds and 3 inches in the first 2 months of her life.

We're so thankful for this healthy, growing, strong baby and praise God for her health as often a we think about it, we know it's not something to take for granted. She received 3 shots and one oral immunization during her doctor visit. I couldn't watch so Mark stood next to the exam table with her. She let out a heartbreaking scream/cry with each one but calmed down shortly after daddy picked her up. I've been telling her how brave and strong and courageous she is ever since. She's been a little more fussy and needy since then but we've managed to get some smiles and laughs out of her yesterday evening and this morning so I think she's going to be just fine.

Ava, at 2 months you...
  • are officially out of newborn clothes. Sad. You've been wearing 0-3 month sized and I even broke out the 3 month clothes for this month's photo shoot... and they fit pretty darn well. We have A TON of them so we better start dressing you in them at the rate you're growing! We've noticed a trend in this house: Daddy loves to see you grow and do new things while mommy wants you to stay a tiny baby forever.
  • have graduated from the newborn bath to the infant bath. And you like baths now. You never hated them, but you weren't in love with them either. Now you don't cry at all. You even break a few smiles and splash around! Speaking of smiles, you... 
  • give REAL smiles! And they melt us every time. The first time you smiled your dad and I were both hovering over you smiling wide and being goofy. You studied us for a couple of seconds with this determined look on your face like you were thinking, I think I can do that. You finally cracked one yourself. You have a few different ones. One is your content smile when you look kind of drunk. It's usually after you've eaten or are drifting off to sleep. Another is this wide, gummy one where your whole face smiles and your eyes sparkle with delight. Sometimes you even throw your head back like you're laughing, but it's just this silent, gummy smile. It's gorgeous and I can't get enough of it. You have another one, it's your sly smile. You look at me out of the corner of your eye like we have an inside joke and you're saying, that was funny huh mom? I so wish I had more photos of you smiling but every time I point the camera toward you, you get really intrigued by it and your face turns from all smiles to serious concentration. This has resulted in plenty of photos of your concentration face but very few of you actually smiling. Oh well, I can see your beautiful smile every time I close my eyes.  
Content Smile
Gummy smile
  • laugh for real. Not just in your sleep, which is super cute too. Your dad can really get you going. You think he's hilarious when he sings you his version of The Beatles song "Buffalo Soldier."
  • babble... and we copy you. It was so cute when you first realized that I was copying you. You stopped, gave me a look out the corner of your eye and then babbled again and waited... It was so cute to see it click in your little brain that this was a pattern and then test it. Now it's a game and usually leads to the real laughs mentioned above.  
  •  are becoming interested in toys & grasping objects.
  • do 180's during tummy time. You're always wanting to go somewhere. To you tummy time is not about strengthening your muscles but being on the move. I'm pretty sure you'll be crawling at something crazy like 3 months. I put you on your tummy on a blanket on the floor and ten minutes later you've moved your body 180 degrees. Sometimes I just look at you moving so much and think, yep, that's what she was doing IN me just a couple of months ago.
  • have already been to two weddings. Stephanie & Richard's in Malibu, CA and Danielle & Gabe's in Rancho Santa Fe, CA. You got some good time in with Grandma & Grandpa Russell and daddy while mom stood by her good friends as they committed their love and lives to each other. Congrats to Mr. & Mrs. Buffum and Mr. & Mrs. Cohan!
Ava is officially one of the girls!
  • helped Great Grandma Ginger celebrate her birthday. When asked what she wanted to do for her birthday her only wish was to hold you... wish granted.
  • love your bouncy seat. There's this setting we put it on that makes it light up, vibrate and play music when you hit or kick the hanging toys hard enough. You've learned what you have to do to make it "go" and squeel with delight when you get it to work. We clap and think you're the smartest baby ever. It's such a joy to watch you master new things.
  • have little friends!
Miss Malia was born on July 14th
Friend... or boyfriend? Little Lukey loves "Baby Ava."
  • said "mama." We swear. Your "hunger cry" has a "ma" sound in it when you really get going and dad took you away from me to change your diaper when you thought you were going to get fed. It really ticked you off and you said. "Ma... MA!" I'm sure it was just a coincidence but your dad and I just looked at each other like, what the heck?!
  • sleep like your mama.
  • are becoming quite the water baby. You've been to the beach twice and the pool once. Just like your bath, you're warming up to the idea of being in bodies of water. You better if you're going to be in this family!
Before a dip in the ocean at Little Corona
After. That was COLD dad!
Still not stoked...
At the pool with mom & Aunt Kristin
Ohhhh... getting used to this water stuff

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